Gingerbread House

Our Kindy class has a new house, thanks to our wonderful Mrs Rowe and Mrs Bowen. They have constructed a Gingerbread house as the children have been reading the story the Gingerbread man. The children are really enjoying playing in there.

Gingerbread house

Learning about Constellations

As you know, we have had the lovely Mrs Mansfield, a second year Teaching student working with us for the last 2 terms. She has now finished and sent us some photos. We wish her every success in her teacher course and hope to see her again soon.

Clink on the link below, it should open as a word document

Class Learning Story

Kindy A and B Graduation

You are invited to attend a celebration of the end of Kindergarten for your child.

Who: Kindy A and Kindy B children and families

When: Wednesday 6 December

Where: Room 25 Kindy

Time: 9.30 till 11.30

Please come and see your child’s work, watch and join in with their special songs and celebrate the end of a fun year at Kindergarten. Then join us for a light morning tea.

Children are then allowed to go home at the conclusion of the celebrations.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our beautiful children and their families for making 2017 a fun year. We will miss you and hope you continue to enjoy school when you come back next year and start a new class in Pre-Primary.

Thank you

Mrs Susan Craig, Mrs Katrina O’Brien, Mrs Vanessa Rowe and Mrs Cathy Bowen and our beautiful student Teacher, Mrs Yvonne Mansfield.

kindy graduationcongratulations-card9-small

Pre-Primary Enrolments

Just a reminder to all of our Kindy families that you will need to fill out an enrolment form for your child ASAP for Pre-Primary next year. If you have already brought in your child’s birth certificate you will not need to show this, just any immunisations that they might of had during Kindergarten.

I do have some spare forms in the class if you need one.

Talk 4 Writing

This term we have been looking at how we can use stories to talk and write about it at a Kindergarten level.

We started off by reading a story called “I Went Walking” by Sue Machin. We read this story several times, each time focusing on a different part of the story and learning some actions to help us remember the story. Then we created a story map using some basic words and pictures. The children have been practising this everyday and can now use the actions and read the story all by themselves. We set up a story table with the characters from the story so they can interact with the story while talking about the story.

I have put a link to this story on the page “Books we love to read” at the top of the home page.


Kindergarten Orientation day

In week 3 we had some new children visit our Kindy for the morning while our 2017 Kindy kids had a visit to the Pre-Primary classrooms.

It was a very busy morning and the new Kindy kids had a lot of investigating to be done. They played with new play equipment, made some new friends, and met their new teachers ready for next year!

We are looking forward to seeing you again next year.

Term 4

To all of the families that follow our little blog, I apologise for not putting anything on here for a while. Term 4 has been so busy so far and more exciting things to come!

It’s that time of year when our little Kindy kids are busy getting ready for Pre-Primary. They have learnt so much since they started, here are a few things that they can do now:

  • Some can write their names
  • Some can count to 20
  • Some can recognise numbers to 10
  • Some are able to write some letters of the alphabet
  • Most children can read, hear and say initial letter sounds

These are just a few of the things they need to be ready for Pre-Primary. Well done everyone!


Kindy and Pre-Primary sports day

What fun was had by everyone! Lots of fantastic colours, mums, dads, and family members to help our day fun.

We started the morning off with our races, followed by sack races, obstacle courses, egg and spoon, and flag races, jumps and throws then to finish a great morning we had a fun race with all the mums and dads, teachers and kids trying to get teddy home!

We all enjoyed some yummy morning tea and a sausage sizzle at the end.

Well done everyone.